Valve Related Controls 143 Commerce Blvd Loveland, OH 45140
Phone: 513-677-8724 Fax: 513-677-8731
Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
The VRC VI positioner has an integral I/P module that is approved for general purpose and hazardous
locations areas. The main positioner housing offers no protection for use in hazardous locations as defined by
the NEC (National Electrical Code).
For Transmitter and switch options
The use of the T1 or T2 transmitter is for use in only general purpose areas and not hazardous areas.
For limit switch requirements the S1 and S2 options can be used in accordance with the NEC (National
Electrical Code) in the following manor in hazardous locations.
The S1 and S2 switch options are simple passive sets of switches that can be used with the correct and proper
Intrinsically Safe barrier for the hazardous location. In addition, the S2 switch option is a set of hermetically
sealed glass to metal sealed switches that may be used in Division 2 areas as defined by the NEC (National
Electrical Code).
Important Note: In all Hazardous Locations insure your
installation meets all safety requirements of the NEC and
your local authority.
The VRC VI positioner has an integral I/P module that is approved for general purpose and hazardous
locations areas. The main positioner housing offers no protection for use in hazardous locations as defined by
the NEC (National Electrical Code).
For Transmitter and switch options
The use of the T1 or T2 transmitter is for use in only general purpose areas and not hazardous areas.
For limit switch requirements the S1 and S2 options can be used in accordance with the NEC (National
Electrical Code) in the following manor in hazardous locations.
The S1 and S2 switch options are simple passive sets of switches that can be used with the correct and proper
Intrinsically Safe barrier for the hazardous location. In addition, the S2 switch option is a set of hermetically
sealed glass to metal sealed switches that may be used in Division 2 areas as defined by the NEC (National
Electrical Code).
Important Note: In all Hazardous Locations insure your installation meets all safety requirements of the NEC and your local authority.